Newbies (Rare Canid Version)

We’ve already met the Ethiopian wolf (and sadly said goodbye to one on film), but there are four other canids that also, unfortunately, are high up on the Red List.

Some are in zoos and they are having puppies!


We met this whistling dog just last month.

These 2016 puppies in the San Diego Zoo must be grown up now —

— and there is good news this year from the wild, too, with dholes sighted again in some areas where they had disappeared.

More information:

Darwin’s fox

I did not find any confirmed videos of fox kits, but the veterinarian chosen by “New Heroes 2023” posed with Darwin’s fox for this article (autotranslated).

What’s a Darwin’s fox?

Zorro chilote is not technically a fox, despite what your eyes might tell you:

Here’s the backstory (and explanation of where Darwin comes in):

More information:

  • Animal Diversity Web page.
  • Autotranslated Spanish Wikipedia page.
  • Three emblematic Chilean species at risk of extinction: article (autotranslated, with photo of a kit; irrelevant note — araucaria and Norway pine used to grow on Antarctica before it iced over)

African wild dogs

Twice this year we have met these highly photogenic canids.

Indoors, these 2019 pups show that painted dogs are just unhappy in the vet’s office as Fido is:

Captivity affects carnivores in different ways. All too often, animals won’t breed or will ignore their young after birth.

When this happened with some wild dog newbies recently, an unlikely hero saved the day:

More information:

Red Wolves

This part of Tacoma’s Point Defiance Zoo has been busy — and sometimes loud — during 2023.

And on the other side of the continent:

Yes, we have met these wolves before.

There are some good information links on red wolves in there, so let’s just close with a reminder that motherhood is hard, no matter what species you are!

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