
Albert Einstein reportedly said, “The process of scientific discovery is, in effect, a continual flight from wonder.”

I suppose he’s right. Wonder comes from the heart as well as the mind. Scientists definitely aren’t heartless, but they won’t get very far in their work without first distancing themselves a bit from ordinary human emotions.

The rest of us, in this day and age, need to understand some science but prefer to avoid classroom lectures.

Geoscience is one field where everybody — those in flight from wonder and those of us eager to embrace it — can meet. Earth is big enough to hold us all, and many of its processes can be adequately (if not fully) described without jargon.

NASA/Jim Weigang, CC BY 2.0.

That’s why this layperson with a little undergraduate background started the Flight to Wonder blog several years ago: to meet the scientists halfway and to help others who are curious about Earth to see the wonders and hazards in our midst.

It’s neither authoritative nor structured, but I do aim for accuracy in this ongoing experiment in nonfiction writing. (Here is a little more about me.)

And nerds will enjoy the references given in and at the end of almost every post here.

Thank you for your interest, and enjoy your flight!

PS: That fantastic header image of cat and Earth is by Sergey Nivens/Shutterstock.

By the way, in my personal life, I have stalkers and so must ask that you let me know at bblegaloffensive2017 at gmail dot com if anyone claiming to be my family approaches you.