Guest Videos and A Surprise Skeleton in the Jackal’s Closet

At this South African bone bed, they are digging up more than one ancient species, but one of their findings suggests that today’s jackals might not be members of the dog genus Canis after all!

This may or may not be world-changing news for you, depending on how you might feel toward jackals —

— and/or the ancestor in question —

Eucyon, at around 0:49 in this one-minute look at how the dogs evolved.

— but we’re all curious about what fossil hunting is like.

Here’s a typical digger’s day there:

Some lagniappe:

I know next to nothing about South Africa and looked up some videos about the Langebaan area.

Among other activities, people there dine well, go kite surfing, and photograph flamingos!

Featured image: Olga Kashubin/Shutterstock

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