Guest Video: “Fear, mistrust — and brotherhood”

Conservationists trying to bring back red wolves in the wild got some good news this week.

As always with endangered carnivores, the program’s success depends on how well the wolves and local people can coexist.

There is so much fear built up around wolves — dangerous predators but also ancestral dogs.

Why not brotherhood as well as fear?

According to this paper, Indian and Himalayan wolves are considered ancestors of northern (“Holarctic”) wolves.


There are Himalayan wolves?


More information:

A little lagniappe:


“Why U no duz us a marlinperkins like de katz got, hoomin?”

Well, Ancestral Goggie, I was looking for lynx videos that day and the “Wild Kingdom” ones were especially good, and the classic “wolf” one didn’t hit me that strongly, and…



Here we go:

Featured image: Banu R/Shutterstock

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